Thursday, July 19, 2018

Hydration 101-Restoring pH balance in the body

Your Body Is Water

Drinking water everyday is crucial to maintaining good health.  Our bodies are 70% water.

 Many of the beverages we choose to drink instead of water have things in it that our bodies don't need, such as sugar and caffeine.

 Those beverages only give us a temporary boost and their corrosive acidic levels are detrimental to our health, do not satisfy our thirst and make us feel fatigued and dehydrated.

 Such bad habits take a toll on our health as well as our energy and overall happiness.

Alkaline 101-What is alkalinity?

As with most things in life, optimal health begins with balance. Its that simple, our bodies must .maintain a pH level of 7.3 which is slightly alkaline.

 A  scale pH scale is used to determine .whether a substance is acidic or alkaline. On a scale  7.3 is neutral. Anything above 7 is considered alkaline and everything below 7 is considered acidic.

The pH levels of your body affect every cell. Having the correct balance of acid-alkaline will help you obtain optimal health. Since modern lifestyles are full of stress and acidic foods, our bodies are flooded with acid.

Becoming Overly Acidic Is A Threefold Process

1) If to much acidic foods are ingested, your bodies natural ability is overlooked.

2) Pathogens enter the body and create bacteria, yeast and other microforms. These are living organisms and hey eat and create waste in the form of toxins which are absorbed into our bodies.

3) When your body is overloaded then acids are improperly eliminated. The body then uses breath, mineral reserves and fat to neutralize acids.

Pre-Hydration Prevents Dehydration

Throughout the day you lose water through your breath, sweat and urine. Sweating is the bodies natural cooling mechanism. When you don't replace the water lost, your body cannot perform at optimal level.

This is why its so important to be attentive to your water intake levels while in the sun and exercise.

Its common knowledge that your should hydrate during exercise, there is little known to staying hydrated while tending to your day to day tasks.


Don't underestimate the possibility of becoming dehydrated while working or taking care of the kids and even just running errands. Even though you don't see the signs of losing water, your body must have the recommended amount of water each day to stay hydrated. Here you will learn about Hydrating and restoring storing your pH balance in the body.

Learn The Signs Of Dehydration

It is important to know the early warning signs of dehydration. You can stay ahead of this serious problem by knowing a few of the early warning signs.

- Your urine is a deep yellow.
-You have difficulty concentrating or thinking clearly.
-Bad breath or dry mouth.
-Constipation or other digestive issues.
-Sudden food cravings.
-Feeling your heat racing.
-Scaly, dry skin or lips.
-Joint or muscle pain.
-Headaches or dizziness.

Thirst is not considered an early warning sign. If you are feeling thirsty, you may already be dehydrated. It is best to know how much water your body needs on a daily basis and always try to meet or exceed that amount.

How To Pre-Hydrate

Only water can keep you properly hydrated and allow your body to function at an optimal level.

When you choose to hydrate with bottles water, you may be adding extra fluids nut you will be missing out on natural minerals and nutrients that are often lost during the purification process of bottled water.

Tap water is a much better choice then bottled water because the natural minerals and nutrients remain intact. But, this is often accompanied by substances that seep into the ground and can be absorbed into tap water. 

There  is another option, alkaline water!

Alkaline water is water that is less acidic then regular tap water. It is rich in alkalizing compounds including calcium, silica, potassium, magnesium and bio-carbonate. 

Alkaline water ionizers are in-home appliances that raise the pH of  drinking water by using the process of electrolysis to sperate the incoming water stream into acidic and alkaline components.

 I'm not talking about just any Alkaline Water Ionizer. I'll tell you my secret is, all you have to do is ask. 

Be Smart-Stay Hydrated

Water is not simply healthy for your body, it is  absolutely essential! 

Learning to listen to your body and understanding what water can do for you will ensure your body receives what it needs to be healthy.  

Water plays a critical role in regulating the body temperature and carrying nutrients throughout your body. It needs to be continuously replaced . 

Drinking the right amount of water will prevent your body from unnecessary dehydration. Even minor dehydration can lead to other more difficult health problems. Stay Hydrated!!

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