Monday, July 23, 2018

Alkaline Water vs Tap and Bottled Water

Alkaline water vs Tap and Bottled Water:

Plastic is not just bad for the planet, its not good for us either.
Bottled water companies increasingly use BPA free plastic, but laced into plastic bottles are other chemicals that can seep out if the bottles are exposed to heat or sit around for a long time.
Tap water is better in some ways because you are able to get minerals but Alkaline water is even better then tap water and bottled water.
This is why:

History of Bottled Water,

Bottled water was first sold in the US in the 1700s. The very first documented case of commercially distributed bottled mineral water  dates all the way back to 1767. The mineral water was sold in glass bottles at Jackson's Spa in Boston. This water was promoted as a therapeutic product and it was believed that drinking and bathing in the water could cure many common ailments.

Plastic bottles were invented in the 1940's, cheap plastic bottles have been around since 1947.  In the 1960's  a stronger high density polyethylene was introduced and water bottles became more wide spread.

By 1973, the invention of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) allowing fizzy drinks like coca cola and carbonated water to be bottles and took their use to a whole new level.

A $5 million dollar advertising campaign for the French brand Pierre. This is when bottled water really started to take off.

 It was targeted for sophisticated baby boomers. This sparkling water was promoted as a high status classy drink.

The tagline was " Earth's First Soft Drink"

Bottled water is now more popular than soda. In 2016, sales of bottled water overtook soda in America for the first time. The beverage marketing corporation stated that the nation consumed 39 gallons of bottled water compared to the 38.5 gallons of soda.

Soda manufacturers are the biggest producers of bottled water in the world. We will spend an estimated 9.8 billion on bottled water this year. 

 This will create 4 billion pounds of trash and cost our communities $70 million to clean it up.

Bottled water is not safer, better tasting or more convenient than tap water.

Bottled water is inaccurately perceived as the healthiest water choice, but the reality of it is that a lot of bottled water is derived from municipal waters.

The purification process removes everything from bottles water, not just the pollutants. This leaves the water void of any nutrients as well as benefits that are naturally in pure water.

The purified water is then placed in a plastic bottle, which may add contaminants  in your drink. It takes about 1 million tons of polyethylene terephthalate plastics for the production of bottled water. PET are petroleum derived plastics that have been suspected of leaching hormone disrupting chemicals into the water.

You may try to save money by having large  jugs filled or delivered to you home, but beware of bacterial infection.

Bacteria grows best in warm moist places, a threaded bottle cap is a perfect place to hide. If this bacteria is ingested it can cause many gastrointestinal health risk.

Is Tap Water Better?

Tap water is definitely cheaper and more convenient than bottled water.

The main concern with tap water is the mystery of what may trickle down the water chain and into your water source.

Since 2004, there have been 315 pollutants found in tap water. Over half  of these pollutants are completely unregulated and can exist in any amount.

Is there any other options? Is Alkaline water good?

There is one other option! Want to find our more about what Alkaline water can do for your body and how you can go green with alkaline water? Click the link below, you wont be disappointed!

Alkaline Water

Cost Comparisons of Bottled, Tap & Alkaline Water,

I will let you be the judge of what you think about these cost comparisons. I think you will agree that the cost of bottled water and risks of  tap water are not what we thought and how important it is to be attentive to our hydrating needs. Until next time. Stay Hydrated!!!!!


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